Demo Update 3

  • The reward popup can't be bypassed the first time until a player clicks on one of the rewards
    • Even with the reminder that appears, some people were skipping over the rewards, so the continue button will be disabled until they click on one of the rewards
  • Changed the alignment of items on the reward popup
    • Items (gold, items, etc) will now align themselves at the top of the popup, so you can just keep clicking in the same spot to collect rewards
  • Attempted to fix the secondary monitor issue
    • I've changed the resolution script so that it explicitly tries to set the window to the primary screen
    • This has been tested on a dual monitor setup and seemed to work, so I hope this has finally fixed the issue
  • Fixed the volume not properly setting if the player didn't have a save file
    • All channels were set to 100% volume by default
  • Fixed an issue with Datzmoni's no spending scene not triggering
    • If you clicked on a skill you couldn't afford, it would count as spending money
    • I would also like to point out that you can get her h-scene by refusing to spend money at her shop twice (this also carries over between runs)


Futaboros Demo v3.exe 185 MB
Dec 16, 2024

Get Futaboros [DEMO]


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I have not great news... the monitor situation has improved a little bit, now if I enable fullscreen it goes to my second monitor when relaunched but if I open the options menu it corrects that, borderless is still unusable but at least it is manageable now.

What a strange bug. I'll have to test what else I can do to correct it.