Demo Update 5
Futaboros [DEMO] » Devlog
A whole heap of new sound effects for skills, gaining block, UI effects, etc. There are still more I need to add.
- Fixed a minor bug where you could select an enemy after deselecting a skill, and it would execute your last selected skill
- Fixed an error where you could repeatedly end the turn by pressing E
- Fixed an error with Combo triggering when you clicked a skill, and not when you used it
- Fixed rewards not aligning towards the top of the reward popup
- You should be able to keep clicking on the same spot to collect all of your rewards now
- Fixed a bug where the block roll on Phalanx would reroll itself as soon as you played the skill
- Fixed Sanctuary consuming Reinforcement
- Non-skill sources of block shouldn't interact with buffs (unless the buff states otherwise)
- Tried yet another fix for the secondary monitor error
- When setting it to fullscreen/borderless, it will now explicitly set the screen to the primary monitor as well
- It's been reported as a problem with Godot 4.2 unfortunately
- If the problem persists, I will continue to search for solutions
- Fixed an issue with the skill queue and buffs not being calculated into queued skills
- It was especially noticeable with Moxie
- Skills now have conditional effects
- This should open up a lot more interesting design spaces for skills
- I originally avoided conditions on skills, as I felt with a limited number of skill slots, you'd want your skills to be able to do something at all times
- However, you just need to incentivize the player to use these skills
- Intimidate
- Common, 0 cost, if enemy intends to attack, inflict 1 Hesitation
- Second Wind
- Uncommon, 0 cost, gain 1 energy
- Brittle Blade
- Common, 1 cost, deal 4-7 damage, if enemy intends to attack, gain 3 Shattering
- Just endure it
- Uncommon, 1 cost, gives 3 Numbness, 2 charges
- Numbness is a buff that gives block at the end of your turn, you lose 1 numbness whenever you lose health
- Uncommon, 1 cost, gives 3 Numbness, 2 charges
In general, I felt that even for a single act, the sentiment pool was too shallow. So I wanted to add more sentiments for this update.
- Retail Therapy
- Common, recover 5 health whenever you spend money at a shop, triggers once per visit
- Endurance Training
- Common, charge skills gain +1 charge
- Extra Kindling
- Common, resting now restores 50% health, rather than 33%
- Daunting Presence
- Common, inflict 1 hesitation on all enemies at the start of combat
- Bloodthirsty
- Uncommon, at the start of combat, gain 1 vampirism
- Vampirism is a buff that restores health whenever you deal damage, you lose all vampirism at end of turn
- Uncommon, at the start of combat, gain 1 vampirism
- Small Fortune
- Uncommon, instantly gain 200 gold
- Good Luck
- Common, increases your chance of finding uncommon and elite skills by 5%
- Uncommon and elite skills have a higher chance of appearing
- The maximum number of skills a player can have is now 8
- This is to limit the player's overall power slightly in act 1
- However, when future acts are available, players will gain an additional skill slot after defeating climaxes
- This means the maximum number of skill slots in total will be 10
- The hexxer enemy now uses her ritual knife attack earlier
- I felt she was a little too slow in her earlier iteration
- This should make her feel more threatening
- Functionally, she uses her ritual knife attack one turn earlier
- Block now gives 2-5 block, rather than 3-6
- Due to the player having unlimited access to this skill, this means turtling is the correct play in most situations
- So this small nerf should make the player take more punishment from playing too passively
- Dark Purpose no longer has a limited number of uses
- This skill always seemed like a bad pick to me, as +2 might in total is hardly worth a skill slot
- With this change, Dark Purpose now gives a bigger payoff the longer a battle goes
- Broken Shell now triggers Shattering without breaking your block, but the order of activation is reversed
- The tradeoff for breaking your block (especially as an activation condition) was rarely worth it
- I feel like an uncommon should give you better bang for your buck too
- Embrace the Pain now gives 4 extra Shattering if used below 50% health
- I felt this skill was a bit dull in its old iteration
- Ultimately, due to its high energy cost, this is a skill you use if you want to take a hit to your life
- This change also plays thematically into the idea of the skill (purposely taking damage to hurt your enemies)
- Anticipation has been changed
- 1 Energy, gain 3-6 block and 1 Fortification
- The skill pool in Act 1 has been lacking alternatives to just hitting Block over and over
- So, this change to Anticipation should help give the players more options for blocking attacks
- Iron Shards can now appear in the skill pool
- Shattering as a buff is currently underrepresented in the skill pool
- So I think allowing players to gain additional copies of Iron Shards can't be a bad thing
- Psyche Up now costs 0 energy
- Moxie as a buff is intended to be used to get in a well timed strike
- Without an 9th skill slot, this skill didn't feel like it was worth taking
- So this small change ought to make it more attractive compared to other options
- Rusty Blade's cooldown has been nerfed to 2
- With a cooldown of 1 at common, this is a strong skill
- Especially if you have two of them at once
- This should curb its power a bit
- Cursed Steel is now an elite sentiment
- I underestimated how powerful this particular sentiment was
- So this should place it somewhere more appropriate for its power level
- Charge skills now have a charge tooltip
- The mouse cursor now has a small trail that follows behind it
- Choices in events now have tooltips
- Part of the fun of roguelikes like these is weighing the potential risk of each choice you make
- Making blind choices or memorizing what each individual event doesn't feel fun to me
- When a skill is selected, it now has an arrow that points towards your cursor
- People told me they had trouble telling what skill was selected at a glance
- This change should help with visibility
- Sentiments are now aligned at the top left of the screen
- They will be visible during events and other locations
- Sentiments also play an animation when you first acquire them
- I felt that a LOT of different things were being packed into the bottom of the screen, this change should make it feel less crowded
- Enemy sprites now have a very slight breathing animation
- It's nothing fancy, but one issue I had with the enemy sprites was how static they were
- This should help them feel less like statues
- Skill nodes have been optimized for when the player replaces a skill
- I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but there would be a short (and noticeable) frame drop when replacing a skill
- I won't get into the technical jargon, but this frame drop should be gone now
- If either fullscreen or borderless are selected, the option to change resolutions is disabled
- H-scene gallery
- All of the programming is done for this, it works exactly as intended
- However, it has no graphical assets and it looks ugly as sin
- It'll be in as soon as I have assets for it
- Character sheet
- A screen to display your current stats/skills
- Also no graphical assets yet, but soon enough
- Select screen
- As there is currently only one class/role in the game, there isn't any point in a select screen yet
Futaboros will enter early access once all three acts are in a playable state. This means all of them will have enemies, memories, music and climaxes, as well as the overarching story of Futaboros.
I'd like to end this post with a preview of Act 2's backgrounds. Behold the dark city of Stygia, where demonkind reigns supreme.
Get Futaboros [DEMO]
Futaboros [DEMO]
Break free from The Ouroboros.
More posts
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- Demo Update 3Dec 18, 2024
- Demo Update 2Dec 16, 2024
- Demo Update 1Dec 16, 2024
- Futaboros Demo is now available.Dec 16, 2024
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